Good morning, good afternoon and good evening,
Globally, reported cases and deaths from COVID-19 are continuing to decline, with reported weekly deaths at their lowest since March 2020.
But these trends, while welcome, don’t tell the full story.
Driven by Omicron sub-variants, we are seeing an increase in reported cases in the Americas and Africa.
The South African scientists who identified Omicron late last year have now reported two more Omicron sub-variants, BA.4 and BA.5, as the reason for a spike in cases in South Africa.
It’s too soon to know whether these new sub-variants can cause more severe disease than other Omicron sub-variants, but early data suggest vaccination remains protective against severe disease and death.
The best way to protect people remains vaccination, alongside tried and tested public health and social measures.
This is another sign that the pandemic is not done with us, and there are some clear takeaways.
First, vaccinating at least 70% of the population of every country – including 100% of the most at-risk groups – remains the best way to save lives, protect health systems and minimise cases of long COVID.
Availability of vaccines has improved significantly, but a combination of lack of political commitment, operational capacity problems, financial constraints and hesitancy due to misinformation and disinformation is limiting demand for vaccines.
We urge all countries to address these bottlenecks to provide protection to their populations.
Second, testing and sequencing remain absolutely critical.
The BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants were identified because South Africa is still doing the vital genetic sequencing that many other countries have stopped doing.
In many countries we’re essentially blind to how the virus is mutating. We don’t know what’s coming next.
Third, I am troubled that highly effective antivirals are still not accessible to people in low- and middle-income countries.
Low availability and high prices have led some countries to rule out buying these life-saving treatments.
ACT Accelerator partners are engaged in price negotiations to lower prices and increase availability.
Coupled with low investment in early diagnosis, it is simply not acceptable that in the worst pandemic in a century, innovative treatments that can save lives are not reaching those that need them.
We’re playing with a fire that continues to burn us.
Meanwhile, manufacturers are posting record profits.
WHO supports fair reward for innovation.
But we cannot accept prices that make life-saving treatments available to the rich and out of reach for the poor. This is a moral failing.
In three weeks, leaders will come to Geneva for a critically important World Health Assembly.
The theme will be ‘health for peace and peace for health.’
With this in mind, tomorrow I will travel to Poland for the International Donors’ Conference for Ukraine.
The health challenges in Ukraine are worsening by the day, especially in the country’s east.
WHO has now verified 186 attacks on health care in Ukraine.
Scores of civilians were able to leave Mariupol yesterday and WHO and our partners were able to receive them and provide healthcare.
Humanitarian corridors like this are critical to get civilians to safety, and health services to those in need.
We urge the Russian Federation to allow people to leave Mariupol and other areas where civilians are at great risk.
And we continue to call on the Russian Federation to end this war.
In the Horn of Africa and the Sahel, the climate crisis, spiking food prices and food shortages are threatening to cause famine and further insecurity.
The Horn of Africa is experiencing its worst drought in 40 years.
Fifteen million people are estimated to be severely food insecure in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.
In Ethiopia, not enough food is reaching those who need it most.
Since the declaration of the humanitarian truce in Tigray six weeks ago, just 172 trucks of aid were able to reach the region, representing just 4% of the need.
And in Burkina Faso, repeated attacks on scarce water resources are depriving people of access to the minimum amount of water they need just to survive.
Attacks on health care, sieges blocking food and medicine, attacks on water – each is an assault on the very foundations of life.
And in each case, the only answer is peace.
Meanwhile, WHO is supporting vaccination efforts as part of the response to an Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
So far, 376 contacts have been identified, of which 243 have been vaccinated.
No new cases or deaths have been reported in the last week, which is encouraging, but our teams remain vigilant.
As you can see, WHO is responding to a huge range of challenges around the world – to say nothing of our work outside of emergencies to strengthen health systems and promote the conditions in which people can live healthy lives.
All of this work costs money.
Last week, a Member State Working Group agreed on a proposal for Member States to boost their annual ‘assessed’ contributions to 50% of WHO’s core budget by 2028 to 2029.
We welcome this proposal, which will be considered by the World Health Assembly later this month.
Finally, tomorrow is World Hand Hygiene Day, and the International Day of the Midwife.
To mark the day, WHO is launching the first Global Report on Infection Prevention and Control.
The simple act of cleaning hands can save lives, especially in health care facilities, where vulnerable patients can be exposed to infection.
Out of every 100 patients in acute-care hospitals, 7 patients in high-income countries and 15 patients in low- and middle-income countries will acquire at least one health care-associated infection during their hospital stay.
WHO’s new report shows that where good hand hygiene and other cost-effective practices are followed, 70% of those infections can be prevented.
For the first time, the report provides a global analysis of how infection prevention and control programmes are being implemented around the world.
So, whether you work in a health facility or not, cleaning your hands regularly can be the difference between life and death for you and for others.