Wednesday, December 2nd (18:00 CET/17:00 GMT)
How EU are you? In next episode we'll be looking at whether there really is a common European identity and what European values do its citizens most identify with.
The show is presented in German by YouTuber, Robin Blase and features a very special guest, Andreas Görgen, Director of the Department for Culture and Communication, German Federal Foreign Office (GFO).
A live and interactive Q&A series covering Europe and Germany's most pressing issues, 'Diplomatie im Dialog - Digital' is brought to you by the GFO.
Watch the new episode live from Berlin on Wednesday, December 2nd (18:00 CET/17:00 GMT), right here -
Take the opportunity to have your say. Join the conversation on Twitter. @GermanDiplo
The series is produced in partnership with TheNewsMarket.