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The Leap of Faith: CTO Marc Concannon discusses how Cubic will remove the element of risk for its customers through useable data in 2021

Release Date: 24 Feb 2021
Marc in lobby

Business always comes with risks, meaning that many decisions often seem like a leap of faith. 2020 was a year full of unique challenges, pushing companies inside and outside of the automotive industry to their very limit. We saw global and regional businesses come to a standstill as organisations were forced to adapt and innovate. Those who remained agile and acted quickly will now look at 2021 as a new business opportunity.

Despite still experiencing a successful 12 months during these challenging times, Cubic continues to innovate and evolve. The attention for us now turns to the next 12 months, building on our success in the sector and addressing new market needs in a rapidly changing environment.

We have already established ourselves within the in-vehicle connected software arena, being the only company that holds a truly global solution for the automotive industry. Today, we can connect vehicles in almost every country around the world via our PACE Platform and integrate them seamlessly across multiple service provider backends.

But connectivity is only part of our offering, we have been heavily investing in building out new services in the areas of data capture and insights, alerting and monitoring and now new direct to customer services. With our new data and analytics services, we are now helping OEMs achieve total visibility across their global footprint, further understanding their data and, fundamentally, their customers via our Cubic Insights offering.

From Cubic’s perspective, we can use the data to identify emerging trends quickly and clearly and better understand what part of a service is working best. We can track quality of service to the end user across lots of different facets of service to allow the OEM to make informed decisions when choosing their 3rd party service providers. We pride ourselves on giving our OEM clients much more control over their data so that they get the best quality of service and value possible. This means OEMs can manage what they build and focus on the services their customers are using.

With Cubic Insights OEMs have a better understanding of their systems through data presented in a clear and precise format, allowing them to make decisions. By identifying specific user data, they can further improve the customer experience, introducing new innovations and features such as transforming a car into a contactless payment system. This is just one example of the new possibilities we are looking to bring to clients in 2021, strengthening their relationship with customers through new product offerings, made only possible through our technology portfolio.

The seismic shift within the automotive industry, seemingly kicked off by Tesla, is seeing OEMs move away from a traditional legacy approach. However, both sides of the automotive sector are learning from each other, sparking a great transformation in the industry. New and old companies recognise that the owner of a vehicle has an entire lifecycle to be managed.

Car ownership is so much more than getting from A to B; it is about having that pleasurable connected experience. By understanding what users are doing in their vehicles, OEMs can improve driver experience.

In this regard, it is the building of these layers that makes Cubic an ideal strategic partner. We use data to paint a picture of what people want in different regions so that automakers can remain competitive on the world stage. We also ensure that all this information is offered in a single accessible package for our customers to use, educating OEMs on the future of automotive connectivity and transforming them into agile businesses. This inevitably makes their decision-making process faster but also sounder.

OEMs want a global footprint that has a single point of entry but transverses their entire market focus. In short, our infrastructure gives you data and the data gives you visibility. This ensures that they make the right decisions for the business and consumers. These act as the pillars for success for current and new automotive clients. We can help them realise their value by quantifying data and translating it into new opportunities via Cubic Insights.

Access to this data removes the risk for certain decisions that come with a leap of faith. Businesses of this calibre, from heritage brands to start-ups, cannot rely on what could be. They need a level of certainty that ensures success and creates new verticals without disrupting other areas of the organisation. We at Cubic strongly believe that this is what separates us from the rest.

If you would like to learn more about the Cubic PACE or Insights solutions, download a brochure or schedule a demo with our team today.


Marc Concannon | Chief Technology Officer | Technology

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