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Robotics and digitization in agriculture at EuroTier 2024

Release Date: 02 Nov 2024   |   Hanover, Germany
Farm Robot Event in hall 13 at EuroTier 2024

Barn Robot Event – Moderated live demonstrations – Saxony’s 16th Agricultural Workers' Day on 14 November 2024 – Topic: AI and digitalization in the agricultural sector – Impact on work on the farm – EuroTier 2024: 12 to 15 November in Hanover – Over 2,100 registered exhibitors on 220,000 square metres of exhibition space –

Autonomous, adaptive agricultural systems are becoming increasingly important for practical farming, as the availability of qualified labour is decreasing and many new systems are able to react to changing conditions during the process with the help of sensors and control electronics. EuroTier 2024 is dedicated to this topic with this year's Barn Robot Event. At the world's leading trade fair for professional animal husbandry and livestock management, which takes place from 12 to 15 November in Hanover, Germany, automatic feed pushers for dairy and beef cattle will be presented in Hall 13. The digitization will also be the focus of the 16th Agricultural Workers' Day, which will take place on 14 November at the EuroTier exhibition grounds. The main theme of this year's event is: ‘AI and digitalisation in the agricultural sector - effects on the world of work’.

This year's Barn Robot Event,Hall 13, Stand F45, will be presented by the new DLG platform ‘FarmRobotix’. A combination of exhibition, live demonstrations, technical programme and netorking, FarmRobotix features comprehensive information on applied robotics, digitalisation, automation and AI in agriculture.

Automatic feed pusher live in action

This year's Barn Robot Event is dedicated to the topic of automatic feed pushing in cattle housing. Visitors can experience the robots live in action on a simulated animal housing area. Moderated presentations in German will take place on each of the four event days - every 15 minutes - from 11 am to 12.30 pm. Presentations in English will take place from 2 pm to 3.30 pm. Company representatives will be on hand during the live sessions to interact with visitors and provide further information about the feed pusher robots.

Confirmed exhibitors to present their automatic feed pushers at EuroTier 2024:

  • Lely: Juno J2
  • Sveaverken: RoboPusher Nimbo
  • CRD: Alim'Slim
  • Rovibec: Ranger
  • Schauer: Faro
  • JOZ: Moov 2.0
  • Wasserbauer: Butler Gold Pro

The ‘Barn Robot Event’ is organised in close cooperation between the Chamber of Agriculture of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, the University of Bonn and the DLG and takes place every two years at the Düsser Milchviehtage in February and EuroTier in November in Hanover, each event with a different theme.

"Agricultural Workers' Day" event  on 14 November 2024 

The 16th Agricultural Workers' Day, held in German and organised by the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture, will be held as an in-person and digital event on 14 November at EuroTier. Under the motto: ‘AI and digitalisation in the agricultural sector - effects on the world of work’, interested visitors can discover the likely working world of the future. The event begins on 14 November at 9 a.m. in the Convention Center at the Hannover Exhibition Grounds. The event will be opened by Lower Saxony's Minister for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Miriam Staudte, and Gerhard Schwetje, President of the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture. This will be followed by three presentations on the topics: ‘AI and digitalisation in the agricultural sector - trends and their impact’, ‘What does the young generation expect? - Impulse of the Agricultural Committee of Lower Saxony's Rural Youth’ and “AI in agriculture - practical experience”. The event ends at 12.30 pm.

Updates on EuroTier 2024:

Media contact

Malene Conlong
+49 69 24788-213

About DLG

With more than 31,000 members, DLG is a politically independent and non-profit organisation. DLG draws on an international network of some 3,000 food and agricultural experts. Through its subsidiary, DLG International, DLG operates has subsidiaries in nine countries and also organizes over 30 regional agricultural and livestock exhibitions worldwide. DLG’s leading international exhibitions, EuroTier for livestock farming and Agritechnica for agricultural machinery, which are held every two years in Hanover, Germany, provide international impetus for the local trade fairs. Headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, DLG conducts practical trials and tests to keep its members informed of the latest developments. DLG’s sites include DLG's International Crop Production Centre, a 600-hectare test site in Bernburg-Strenzfeld, Germany and the DLG Test Centre, Europe's largest agricultural machinery test centre for Technology and Farm Inputs, located in Gross-Umstadt, Germany. DLG bridges the gap between theory and practice, as evidenced by more than 40 working groups of farmers, academics, agricultural equipment companies and organisations that continually compare advances in knowledge in specific areas such as irrigation and precision farming.

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