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Mission completed

Release Date: 05 Nov 2021   |   Negev / Innsbruck / Lauterach

Gebrüder Weiss logistics project for 13th Mars Analog Mission successfully completed

Negev / Innsbruck / Lauterach, November 5, 2021. The 13th International Mars Analog Mission Amadee-20, supported by Gebrüder Weiss as the official logistics partner, was successfully completed in Israel at the end of October. A team of trainees from the international transport and logistics service provider had organized the transport of the mission equipment from Innsbruck to the test site in the Negev Desert, where a manned Mars expedition under isolation conditions in the Martian-like landscape was simulated by the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF), together with a six-person crew.

Robert Rubatscher, apprentice freight forwarding logistics manager in his 3rd year of apprenticeship at Gebrüder Weiss in Hall, Austria, said, “Logistically, the Mars mission provided us with a great experience because we were able to put our acquired knowledge into practice.”

Frank Haas, Head of Corporate Brand Strategy & Communications at Gebrüder Weiss, noted, “Accompanying this Mars mission is like getting a little glimpse into the future of logistics. It’s all very fun and inspiring! We are learning a lot through this partnership and thank the OeWF for their professional cooperation. We will continue to support pioneering mobility projects.”

Gernot Grömer, Co-Founder and Director of the OeWF, added, “The results of the research projects on Mars are of great scientific benefit to life on Earth.” In a detailed interview in the current Gebrüder Weiss corporate magazine “Atlas,” Grömer concludes: “The first human to set foot on Mars has already been born.” The magazine will be published early in December 2021 and will also be available for digital download at:

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