At the official opening ceremony on Tuesday evening, November 12, DLG’s President Hubertus Paetow and guests of honor from politics celebrated EuroTier 2024 as the hub of efficient, innovative and sustainable animal husbandry - parallel trade fair EnergyDecentral 2024 opened as a networking platform for leading stakeholders in the global renewable energy sector. The DLG (German Agricultural Society) is the organizer of EuroTier, the leading trade fair for livestock solutions, and EnergyDecentral, the leading exhibition for farm-related renewable energies
EuroTier 2024, which will take place from November 12 to November 15 on the Hanover exhibition grounds, Germany, and the renewable energy trade fair EnergyDecentral, taking place in parallel, officially opened on Tuesday evening. In his speech, DLG President Hubertus Paetow called for a return of reliable decision-making, the basis of entrepreneurial action: global demand, technical progress and product innovation - "the turning point, also in the agricultural sector." With its key theme "We innovate animal farming", EuroTier is exactly the right place for this. Paetow described EnergyDecentral as a groundbreaking and sustainable showcase for professionals in the field of renewable energies. In his speech, Stephan Weil, Minister President of Lower Saxony, emphasized the importance of animal husbandry for the Lower Saxony economy, emphasizing that it was an "honor and pleasure to welcome EuroTier the leading international trade fair animal husbandry experts, to Hanover".
DLG President Paetow: EuroTier provides relevant business impetus “Welcome to the world's leading trade fair for livestock management here in Hanover, to the great show of diverse, fascinating and future-oriented innovations from a diverse, fascinating and - indeed - future-oriented industry": With these words, DLG President Hubertus Paetow welcomed the attendees at the official opening ceremony of EuroTier 2024. ”I believe it is time for us to return to the reliable basis for entrepreneurial decision-making - global demand, technical progress and product innovation. A turnaround is needed, also in the agricultural sector,” emphasized Paetow. Although sustainable food systems without animal husbandry are conceivable, they are pointless from a scientific point of view. “And if there is going to be animal husbandry in the future, then please make it a modern, efficient and economically successful one. And you are all in exactly the right place for this,” emphasized the DLG President. In the coming days, livestock professionals from all over the world will be able to see “innovations in animal husbandry that are relevant to business, enhancing productivity and competitiveness”.
The further development of productivity and competitiveness is now crucial against the backdrop of the recent political upheavals in the US and Germany, continued Paetow. After all, both scenarios have resulted not least from people's concerns about the respective economic systems, which they regard as the basis of their prosperity. “The order of the day is therefore to do everything in our power to promote progress in the economy, be it in politics, but also, and above all, in the various areas of the economy.”
Sustainable fulfillment of global growth in demand for animal proteins
The decisive factor for trends and strategies in animal husbandry is, above all, the development in global demand for animal products, analyzed Paetow. While the consumption of animal products is slowly declining in the world's wealthiest countries, it is growing steadily in emerging markets such as China, Pakistan, India and South America: experts from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) forecast a further 12 percent increase in global meat consumption by the end of this decade.
“This is the relevant figure for European livestock production, as this demand can only be met sustainably if sustainable animal production in Europe makes a significant contribution,” emphasized Paetow. Sustainability strategies in prosperous regions of the world such as Europe can and should go hand in hand with meeting the growing global demand for animal proteins: “In Europe, there is no reason why we cannot consume less climate-damaging food and still be able to make a contribution to ensuring that consumers in other parts of the world can meet their demand for sustainably produced animal products,” the DLG President clarified.
In his opening speech, Paetow also called on stakeholders in the agricultural industry to drive forward the required stronger focus on climate protection and other sustainability parameters on their own initiative and under their own direction: “We must develop and test viable systems for operational climate assessment within the industry as soon as possible, otherwise others will do it,” warned the DLG President and appealed to visitors to use EuroTier as a discussion platform for this purpose.
The trade fair for the international renewable energy sector, EnergyDecentral, which takes place in parallel with EuroTier, and the new feature “Inhouse Farming - Feed & Food Show” are examples of how sustainability and progress go hand in hand, emphasized DLG President Hubertus Paetow at the end of his welcoming speech.
Minister President Stephan Weil: Animal husbandry is an elementary component of sustainable and future-proof agriculture.
“It is an honor and a pleasure for us in Lower Saxony to welcome EuroTier, the leading international trade fair for animal husbandry experts, to Hanover. As Germany's leading agricultural state, animal husbandry plays a central role for Lower Saxony's economy. I am therefore all the more pleased that livestock farmers from Lower Saxony, Germany and all over the world will be able to see pioneering innovations here at EuroTier in the coming days,” said Lower Saxony's Minister President Stephan Weil at the official opening ceremony of EuroTier and EnergyDecentral.
“Animal husbandry is an essential component of sustainable and future-proof agriculture,” Weil continued. However, in view of climate change, a dynamic market environment and increasing demands on animal welfare, the sector is also facing significant challenges: “The main theme of EuroTier 2024, ‘We innovate animal farming’, sums up what is important now: solutions for the pressing issues of the future - practical and at the cutting edge of research and technology.” Weil concluded by saying that it is the task of politicians to create a reliable and innovation-friendly environment for the necessary transition process in agriculture in collaboration with experts from business, science and practice.
More than 2,200 exhibitors from 51 countries
More than 2,200 exhibitors from 51 countries have registered to present solutions and innovations on around 220,000 square meters of exhibition space at EuroTier 2024 and the parallel trade fair for the renewable energy sector, EnergyDecentral. The program range from feeding, health and herd management to traditional animal housing construction and animal husbandry technology, robotics and AI. At EnergyDecentral, the focus is on technical innovations and solutions in the fields of solar energy, biogas, agrivoltaics and biofuels. The new platform Inhouse Farming - Feed & Food Show complements the products and services with innovations and know-how transfer from areas such as vertical farming, controlled environment agriculture and nutrition trends such as alternative proteins. International trade fair visitors can choose from more than 500 events, including 250 specialized events on the DLG Expert Stages.
Media contact
Malene Conlong
About DLG
With more than 31,000 members, DLG is a politically independent and non-profit organisation. DLG draws on an international network of some 3,000 food and agricultural experts. Through its subsidiary, DLG International, DLG operates has subsidiaries in nine countries and also organizes over 30 regional agricultural and livestock exhibitions worldwide. DLG’s leading international exhibitions, EuroTier for livestock farming and Agritechnica for agricultural machinery, which are held every two years in Hanover, Germany, provide international impetus for the local trade fairs. Headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, DLG conducts practical trials and tests to keep its members informed of the latest developments. DLG’s sites include DLG's International Crop Production Centre, a 600-hectare test site in Bernburg-Strenzfeld, Germany and the DLG Test Centre, Europe's largest agricultural machinery test centre for Technology and Farm Inputs, located in Gross-Umstadt, Germany. DLG bridges the gap between theory and practice, as evidenced by more than 40 working groups of farmers, academics, agricultural equipment companies and organisations that continually compare advances in knowledge in specific areas such as irrigation and precision farming.