02 Aug 2024 - For the first time ever at the Olympic Games, parent athletes at Paris 2024 can spend quality time with their young children in a dedicated family space inside the Olympic Village. This is thanks to an initiative from the IOC Athletes’ Commission with support from Worldwide Olympic Partner P&G.
For parent athletes, spending quality time with your children during competition can be challenging. To help address this, the first-ever Olympic Village family space has opened its doors at Paris 2024.
With plenty of baby wipes and nappies available from Pampers®, plus areas for playtime and bonding, the space allows competing parent athletes at Paris 2024 to take some time out with your young children in an environment designed to feel just like home.
“The family space is an incredible initiative,” says Keesja Gofers, who has spent time with her daughter, Teleri, in the space while preparing to compete for Australia in the women’s water polo tournament.
“It makes sport at the highest level more accessible and enjoyable for mums and dads, and embraces the fact that athletes are so much more than how fast they can swim or how many games they win.”
A new Games-time resource for parent athletes
Spending time with your children during competition periods isn’t easy, with training schedules and logistics often getting in the way.
By bringing a dedicated area to you in the Olympic Village, the family space provides a convenient new opportunity to enjoy quality time with your young children.
“Having my daughter in Paris means the world to me,” explains Keesja. “It's important for me as an athlete because she is my motivation and my reason why.
“Spending quality time with Teleri connects me to her and being a mum. Playing with her relieves stress and helps me stay in the moment.
“When I first started my journey to come back to sport after having my baby, I made a promise that I would be present when I was with my daughter. This is so important to me, and the family space helps facilitate this.”
Benefits for parent and child
As an athlete, it’s important to find a balance between your sporting endeavours and the rest of your life, and the family space allows parents to step away from the intensity of competition.
“Teleri gives me perspective,” explains Keesja. “She doesn't care about the results, or the importance of the upcoming game, or even what the Olympic Games mean yet.
“She is going to be her curious, adventurous, cheeky self. So, after a game, no matter the score, it's important to me to separate the two and be in the moment with her.”
Keesja says it is benefitting her daughter, too.
“I love the opportunity to surround her with amazing athletes, especially female athletes,” she says. “Regular people who have worked incredibly hard to reach a goal. That is a value I want to instil in her.
“Most importantly, she’s our 14th player. My team has fallen in love with her, and she loves them back!”
The success of the family space at Paris 2024 now raises the question: how do we support parent athletes in the future?
“I’d love to see facilities like this at more sporting events,” says Keesja. “By supporting this initiative, helping it grow within and beyond the Olympic Games, we are supporting athletes.
“It shows we value not only excellence but also our different needs.”
If you’re a parent athlete with children of nappy-wearing age at Paris 2024, you can register here to book a slot in the family space.