FPT Industrial presented a Multi-power, Modular, Multi-application and Mindful 4.0 Power Source Concept at its Tech Day 2018 event held in Turin, Italy. Named Cursor X, it represents a symbol of how FPT Industrial conceives innovation and reflects FPT Industrial's product strategy vision. It is a future further "designed for Planet Earth".
With more than 150 years of heritage, FPT Industrial used its technology and research expertise to project the future of the industry and develop the Cursor X. The Concept was developed by Product Development jointly with the CNH Industrial Design Center to include both technical capabilities and functionality.
Cursor X can be identified by four main features that, according to FPT Industrial's vision will shape the architecture, logic and operational modes of a power unit of the future.
The Cursor X Concept would adapt to provide the most suitable solution for the customer's business and mission, whether based on Natural Gas internal combustion, Hydrogen Fuel Cell electric generation, or on battery-stored energy. This range allows combinations from pure electric to parallel and serial hybrid. Energy transfer to the wheels would change accordingly, with the option of a mechanical transmission to be coupled with electric drivelines.
The Power Source Concept would be the same size as an internal combustion engine, with a modular archit ecture that allows easy assembly, vehicle integration, servicing and full scalability. The modularity would allow the solution to be implemented with all FPT Industrial engine families in a wide range of power nodes. It could also be supplied as an all-inclusive package or in a knock down configuration.
Thanks to its wide range of options, the Cursor X is designed to supply energy for traction, auxiliary systems, implements and PTOs to any kind of industrial vehicle or machine from delivery vans to buses, from small dozers to crawler excavators, from specialty tractors to combines. The solution could also be offered as a pre-validated standard package for low-volume products that require electrification.
The Power Source Concept has been designed to have self-learning capability and to provide a significant amount of information for further hardware and software design developments. It could be equipped with processors and sensors that recognize anomalies, analyze wear and tear and predict maintenance needs. It could also be connected for continuous communication with the external environment, sending valuable operational data to stakeholders. Overall, the Cursor X is intended to be aware of its status, capable of anticipating future trends through the exploration of Artificial Intelligence and enabled to interact with the Control Room.
This configuration will shift the complexity of a powertrain to storage and energy management. As a result, FPT Industrial's focus will also change. "Since FPT Industrial has always been at the forefront of high -added value products, we gladly embrace this evolution of our business focus to be a full system integrator, a full-range multi-power player and a full-cycle service solution provider for a new generation of intelligent power sources", said Annalisa Stupenengo, FPT Industrial Brand President. "We have been game changers many times in our history, introducing technological breakthroughs such as Common Rail and the Hl-eSCR system. Our innovative DNA helps us to build what we want to be in the future: a 4.0 Power train Brand offering solutions to 4.0 customers."
The Cursor X will deliver power according to specific missions and customers' needs. The Natural Gas configuration, with an electric mode option, would be ideal for metropolitan and regional passenger transport, reducing CO2 emissions by up to 30%. The battery electric configuration is ideal for urban delivery, with an estimated autonomy of 200 km. Finally, Hydrogen Fuel Cells could become the first full electric technology suitable for long-range, heavy-duty missions, with an estimated autonomy of 800 km.
Turin, 23rd November 2018