November 12 to 15, 2024 in Hanover, Germany - Guiding theme: “We innovate animal farming” – More than 2,100 exhibitors from 52 countries - DLG Spotlights and Expert Stages - FarmRobotix: The new DLG platform for robotics, AI and automation - features for young talent: Young Farmers Day and Campus & Career – Cattle including dairy, pig and poultry - World Poultry Show 2024 featuring full range of technical solutions
EuroTier 2024, the world's leading trade fair for professional animal husbandry and livestock management, will kick off with an attractive exhibition and technical program, numerous market leaders and leading industry experts. The high level of visitor and exhibitor interest continues, underlining the importance of the world's leading trade fair. DLG’s visitor survey conducted in July reflected that 61 percent of respondents were already certain that they would visit EuroTier in Hanover, months before the trade fair opening. From 12 to 15 November 2024, the DLG (German Agricultural Society), as the organizer, will offer visitors a comprehensive technical program with themed spotlights, expert stages, conferences and industry events on 220,000 square-meters of exhibition space, reflecting this year's guiding theme: “We innovate animal farming”. EnergyDecentral, which takes place in parallel, focuses on the possibilities of decentralized energy generation. EuroTier will also host the Inhouse Farming - Feed & Food Show: the global B2B meeting place for self-contained agricultural and food systems of the future.
With the high number of exhibitors across 13 entire halls on some 220,000 square meters of exhibition space along with a top-class international technical program, EuroTier will once again be the highlight of the international livestock sector in November. EuroTier 2024 features the World Poultry Show, which will feature a full range of international poultry farm solutions.
The exhibition covers the latest developments in cattle, pig and poultry production including the cross-industry topics of alternative proteins, genetics, feed and operating resources, husbandry and feeding systems, digitalization, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation. Milking and cooling technologies, animal housing, manure removal and transportation also feature.
“EuroTier 2024 will provide answers to the challenges facing the international livestock sector. This is reflected in the guiding theme ‘We innovate animal farming’. The current topics of animal welfare, sustainability, automation, robotics and digitalization are the focus of the exhibition and technical program of the world's leading trade fair. We observe a high level of interest in new trends and innovations which in turn shows the importance of EuroTier as a leading trade fair for investments,” says Ines Rathke, EuroTier’s project manager, DLG.
International industry get-together: A full overview with the exhibitor directory
Numerous international and German market leaders as well as innovative enterprising companies and start-ups are represented at EuroTier. With 25 national pavilions hailing from agricultural regions and countries, including Canada, China, Finland, Spain, South Korea and the USA (Nebraska), and underline the international nature of the trade fair, with around 65 percent of registered exhibitors coming from outside Germany.
The digital exhibitor directory provides an overview of the scope of the trade fair. All registered exhibitors at EuroTier 2024 are listed both on the website and in the EuroTier app. Companies registered for EuroTier 2024 include: ADM, Aviagen, B. Strautmann & Söhne, Big Dutchman, Boehringer Ingelheim, BRS, BvL, Cobb Europe, CPM, Dairymaster, Danish Genetics, Facco, Faresin, Fliegl, Förster-Technik, GGI-SPERMEX, Gummiwerk KRAIBURG, H. Wilhelm Schaumann, Hellmann Poultry, Hubbard, JCB, John Deere, JOSKIN S.A., JOURDAIN SAS, KUHN, Lely, LUBING, Marel, MASTERRIND, Merlo, Meyer-Lohne, Miavit, MOBA, Patura, Pas Reform, Röhren- und Pumpenwerk Bauer, Rudolf Hörmann, Sanovo, SCHAUER, Schäffer, SILOKING, Trioliet, VDL, WEDA, Weidemann, Wolf System, ZDG, Zeppelin, Zucami and ZUNHAMMER.
“We innovate animal farming” - wide-ranging technical program
As part of this year's guiding theme, exhibitors at EuroTier 2024 will be demonstrating their innovative approaches and strategies, developed to help improve the efficiency, sustainability and ethical standards of livestock farming. The “We innovate animal farming” theme is driving the technical program totaling 400 individual talks.
DLG Spotlights and Expert Stages will be presenting in-depth the many available strategies for professional livestock farming.
- DLG Spotlight: Barn Robot Event (Hall 13)
This year's “Barn Robot Event” focuses on the topic of automatic feed pushing in cattle barns. In Hall 13, moving robots will be presented on a dedicated demo area. During the live demonstrations, visitors will experience close-up how automatic feed pushers can support dairy farmers. With live commentary in German in the morning and in English in the afternoon, the demonstrations will take place twice a day.
- DLG Spotlight: Pig Farming without tail docking (Hall 15)
In Hall 15, EuroTier exhibitors will present a range of tried-and-tested solutions as well as innovative concepts, from breeding to slaughter, that support farms in implementing a no-docking policy. On all four trade fair days, experts from official advisory services will be on hand with valuable tips and will provide insights into all angles of this multi-faceted topic.
- DLG Spotlight: TopTierTreff “Top cattle genetics” (Hall 11)
The TopTierTreff (Hall 11) feature, “Top Cattle Genetics”, is a must for both German and international cattle breeders. This is where leading international breeding companies and organizations from both the dairy and beef cattle sectors unite to present their breeding animals. Visitors can also inspect international sheep and goat breeds. Breeding animals and offspring of the various dairy breeds will be presented several times a day on the TopTierTreff stage with live commentary by experts. A technical program offering in-depth talks on breeding issues as well as milk and meat production will round off the feature.
- DLG Spotlight: AI on poultry farms (Hall 17)
The DLG Spotlight “AI in poultry farming” will be highlighting promising possibilities in the advancing developments of automation and digitalization for poultry production, illustrating these with practical examples. In the dedicated feature, start-ups and established companies will be presenting their AI-based solutions for poultry production, from in-ovo sex determination to animal welfare and health monitoring. - DLG Spotlight Inhouse Farming (Hall 24)
How does the automated breeding of insects for high-quality protein feed work on the farm? What are the challenges in the industrial rearing of insects as a food source? These are some of the questions that will be addressed at the practice-driven DLG Spotlight Inhouse Farming in Hall 24 with selected exhibits. Offering visitors ample opportunity for in-depth technical discussions and obtain insights into selected technologies and solutions for self-contained agricultural and food systems. In addition to insects and aquaculture, vertical farming in circular economy systems will be presented. - Expert Stages: Topic hotspots in the livestock sector
The “Expert Stage Poultry” will focus on innovations and trends in poultry production, including breeding, animal health, feeding as well as sales and marketing. Offering visitors a compact overview of the latest developments in breeding, feeding, husbandry and animal housing climate control, the Expert Stage Poultry is presented on two stages at the DLG stand (Hall 13, Stand E 58). Expert sessions include “Direct farm sales and on-farm slaughter” which covers topics such as mobile slaughter, legal framework conditions, marketing strategies and economic aspects of direct farm sales. EuroTier 2024 will be devoting special attention to horses. On each of the four event days, two specialist presentations on the Expert Stage of the DLG stand in Hall 13 will explore key issues facing horse farms: Design of runs, weather protection, feed production, feeding and manure utilization. The two Expert Stages “Inhouse Farming” and “EnergyDecentral” complement the comprehensive range of presentations and discussions.
FarmRobotix, the new DLG platform for robotics, AI and automation
For many years, the DLG has been promoting the use and knowledge of agricultural robots. With FarmRobotix, the DLG has created a new platform for robotics, digitalization, automation and AI in agriculture. The aim is to offer a forum for knowledge transfer and networking. At EuroTier 2024, FarmRobotix will combine exhibits, technical presentation and live demonstrations. In addition to daily presentations on the DLG Expert Stage, visitors will be able to experience robots in action on demo areas while gaining practical insights into the operation of autonomous agricultural vehicles and equipment.
Congresses and conferences: international offering
EuroTier 2024 will bring together livestock farmers, the agribusiness and experts for networking and professional exchange. Together with the DLG's partner organizations, EuroTier 2024 will once again offer various conferences and evening events:
- International Cattle & Pig Event on November 11, 2024
- International Poultry Conference on November 11, 2024
- Inhouse Farming Event on November 11, 2024
- International Conference Ukraine / Moldova on November 13, 2024
- Animal Health Event on November 14, 2024
The annual bpt Congress of the German Association of Practicing Veterinarians (bpt) will overlap with EuroTier on two days, running from November 14 to 16, 2024. The specialist program offers ATF-recognized training courses (ATF = Academy for Veterinary Continuing Education) for small animal, equine and livestock practice as well as for practice management and food safety. For veterinary assistants and veterinary assistants, there is a one-day training course with content related to the main veterinary program. Special admission criteria and professional credentials apply.
Young Farmers Day
The Young Farmers Day on November 14 is the central meeting place for those at the beginning of their career in agriculture and agribusiness. The program caters for the young segment, including young farmers, students, pupils and young professionals in the agricultural upstream or downstream industry. The varied program offers young people the opportunity to expand their knowledge, network, listen to exciting presentations and panel discussions and take part in hands-on activities at the DLG stand. The “Young Farmers Party” in the Munich Hall on the exhibition grounds will be the grand finale of the day.
Campus & Career
Hall 13 is the EuroTier platform, which combines the topics of jobs, further education and careers as well as research and science. Among other things, everything here revolves around professional careers as well as science and research. Exhibitors and educational institutions will present an attractive range of offers in the Campus & Career area: Here, school pupils, students, career starters and professionals can make contact with companies looking for staff, obtain information from recruitment consultants and find out more about training and further education opportunities.Technical colleges, universities and research institutes will be presenting their latest scientific projects.In addition, interested visitors will find vacancies from EuroTier exhibitors on a Job Wall.
Professional partners of EuroTier and EnergyDecentral
The technical program of EuroTier and EnergyDecentral is organized by the DLG in cooperation with German and international professional partner organizations that include: bpt - Bundesverband Praktizierender Tierärzte (German Association of Practicing Veterinarians); Bundesverband Rind und Schwein – BRS (The German Livestock Association); Bundesverband für Tiergesundheit e.V. – BfT (the German animal health industry association), Deutscher Verband Tiernahrung - DVT (German Association of Animal Nutrition); European Dairy Farmers (EDF); European Pig Producers e.V. (EPP); European Poultry Club e.V. (EPC); Fachverband BIOGAS e.V. (German Biogas Association); Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft, ISN - Interessengemeinschaft der Schweinehalter Deutschlands e.V. (ISN represents the interests of the market-oriented and specialized pig farmers in Germany); VDMA Power Systems; Verband der Landwirtschaftskammern - VLK (German Chambers of Agriculture); and the Zentralverband der deutschen Geflügelwirtschaft – ZDG ( the German Poultry Association).
Ideal complement: EnergyDecentral and Inhouse Farming
EnergyDecentral trade fair and the Inhouse Farming - Feed & Food Show both take place in parallel with EuroTier. Covering the entire value chain of sustainable energy production, including resources, energy production and smart energy, EnergyDecentral has already established itself as the leading platform for decentralized energy supply. The new Inhouse Farming - Feed & Food Show will be the global B2B venue for agricultural and food systems of the future. Closely networked with agricultural practice, the Inhouse Farming - Feed & Food Show offers specialist information, perspectives, innovations and business - from feed to food. Both offerings represent an optimal extension of the specialist range of topics at EuroTier.
Updates on EuroTier 2024:
Media contact
Malene Conlong
+49 69 24788-213
About DLG
With more than 31,000 members, DLG is a politically independent and non-profit organisation. DLG draws on an international network of some 3,000 food and agricultural experts. Through its subsidiary, DLG International, DLG operates has subsidiaries in nine countries and also organizes over 30 regional agricultural and livestock exhibitions worldwide. DLG’s leading international exhibitions, EuroTier for livestock farming and Agritechnica for agricultural machinery, which are held every two years in Hanover, Germany, provide international impetus for the local trade fairs. Headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, DLG conducts practical trials and tests to keep its members informed of the latest developments. DLG’s sites include DLG's International Crop Production Centre, a 600-hectare test site in Bernburg-Strenzfeld, Germany and the DLG Test Centre, Europe's largest agricultural machinery test centre for Technology and Farm Inputs, located in Gross-Umstadt, Germany. DLG bridges the gap between theory and practice, as evidenced by more than 40 working groups of farmers, academics, agricultural equipment companies and organisations that continually compare advances in knowledge in specific areas such as irrigation and precision farming.