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DLG’s new “DLG North America subsidiary” to start operation

Release Date: 07 Nov 2024   |   BURLINGTON, Vermont
dlg n a

DLG North America located in Toronto, Canada – organizer of American Dairy XPO to launch in Vermont, U.S.A. and Canadian Dairy XPO (CDX) in Ontario, Canada

DLG’s (German Agricultural Society) new subsidiary “DLG North America”, which it established in July this year, will officially start operation in January 2025 from its base in Toronto, Canada. Set up to manage DLG’s activities on the North American continent, the new company will be offering the region’s farmers access to technical solutions and best-practice knowledge, enabling informed investment decisions. The new ADX- American Dairy XPO to take place November 4 and 5, 2025, in Vermont, USA, is the company’s first launch exhibition. 

BURLINGTON, Vermont, November 7, 2024 – A key part of DLG’s internationalization strategy, the establishment of the DLG North America subsidiary supports DLG’s non-profit statute – in existence since 1885 - to promote farm management knowledge among farming professionals through international exhibition and networking platforms.

“Our new subsidiary DLG North America has been set up to serve farming professionals in North America. Also here, DLG will be developing exhibitions and events in the region and will be a bridge between North America and Europe,  for the exchange of knowledge and innovation in the agricultural sector” says Jens Kremer, managing director of DLG International.

DLG North America will be drawing on DLG’s exhibition expertise, which spans more than 135 years and today covers more than 30 agricultural trade fairs worldwide, including EuroTier, the world’s leading trade fair for livestock technologies held in Germany every two years.

DLG North America will be launching American Dairy XPO, a trade fair that combines exhibition with farming knowledge delivered through conferences and interactive talks. The American Dairy XPO will benefit from existing synergies of DLG’s EuroTier livestock exhibition and the Canadian Dairy XPO (CDX) in Ontario, Canada, which was part of DLG’s 2024 acquisition of Underhill Enterprise Inc. (UEI).

The work of DLG’s “Competence Center Agriculture”, which covers farm management knowledge, international farmers surveys and a network of 3,000  international experts, will benefit North American farming professionals through the new DLG North America subsidiary.

Located in in Frankfurt, Germany, the Competence Center Agriculture manages some 40 working groups of farmers, academics, agricultural equipment companies and organizations that continually compare advances in knowledge in specific areas such as irrigation and precision farming. The results are shared openly with the farming community and published in DLG Expert Knowledge series.

Through field trials, including crop rotation and irrigation, at DLG's International Crop Production Centre, a 600-hectare farm in Bernburg-Strenzfeld, Germany, the DLG offers an important contribution to new farming knowledge.

Media contacts

DLG North America - Kate Mehlenbacher |

DLG (Germany) - Malene Conlong |

About DLG

With more than 31,000 members, DLG is a politically independent and non-profit organisation. DLG draws on an international network of some 3,000 food and agricultural experts. Through its subsidiary, DLG International, DLG operates subsidiaries in nine countries and also organizes over 30 regional agricultural and livestock exhibitions worldwide. DLG’s leading international exhibitions, EuroTier for livestock farming and Agritechnica for agricultural machinery, which are held every two years in Hanover, Germany, provide international impetus for the local trade fairs. Headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, DLG conducts practical trials and tests to keep its members informed of the latest developments. DLG’s sites include the DLG Test Centre in Germany, Europe's largest agricultural machinery test centre for Technology and Farm Inputs,

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