- CTT and Stampsdaq will work together to develop and implement new philatelic products, using the latest technologies and focusing on innovation
Start-up from Estonia
16 february 2023, CTT - Correios de Portugal established a partnership with Stampsdaq for the development of innovative projects in the Philately area.
With this partnership, CTT and the Estonian start-up will work together to develop and implement new philatelic products, using the latest technologies and focusing on innovation, thus motivating collectors to explore the new products that these technologies offer.
According to Raul Moreira, CTT's Philately Director, "with this partnership we take another step in what is the tradition of differentiation in CTT's philatelic emissions. The partnership with Stampsdaq helps us to deepen our connection to the digital world and to capture new audiences and raise new collectors among the younger generations".
For Andrii Shapovalov, CEO of Stampsdaq, "this partnership with CTT is a very important step for Stampsdaq and is a confirmation of our business model by one of the biggest postal operators in Europe. We are very proud to have been chosen for the development of projects and initiatives based on innovation and with focus on digital”.
CTT's long-term strategy for philately contemplates the exploration and integration of new philatelic experiences in the company's portfolio, creating new products and innovating in their conception and implementation.
This is another step in the implementation of CTT's connection with the start-up ecosystem, through the CTT 1520 StartUProgram, which develops and supports start-ups. The program for interaction with start-ups aims to open CTT's doors to this universe, seeking projects that fit into our business, enhancing areas of collaboration and with the resulting reciprocal benefits. Since its creation, the program has already identified out over 1800 companies.
About CTT – Correios de Portugal:
CTT – Correios de Portugal employs 12,015 people in Portugal, where it operates with 2,356 CTT Post Offices and over 5,000 Payshop agents. In 2021, CTT had operating revenues of €848 million and a net profit of €38.4 million. In that same year, CTT transported 484.6 million addressed mail items and 73.8 million express items, with Spain representing 45.9% of the revenues of the Express & Parcels segment.
About Stampsdaq
Stampsdaq is an EU-based NFT company founded in 2021 and exclusively dedicated to cooperating with designated postal operators worldwide. It’s recently launched platform for NFT Stamps is designed to bridge the interests of postal operators and the global community of collectors. Stampsdaq provides a One-Stop-Shop solution with no investment required from a postal operator side. The company promotes and implements “Collect with Benefits” vision of creating an extra utility value and real-world experiences for NFT Stamps owners to drive the interest to NFT Stamps collecting and to stamp collecting in general. Stampsdaq currently holds several license agreements with different designated postal operators and is in active negotiations with over 60 postal operators worldwide. It is also an associate member of the Consultative Committee and World Association for Development of Philately (WADP) of the Universal Postal Union.
Gabinete de Imprensa CTT – Correios de Portugal
Cátia Simões – 915707396/ catia.c.simoes@ctt.pt
Lara Ferin – 927350411/ lara.c.ferin@ctt.pt
Stampsdaq Estonia OU Media Contacts:
Andrii Shapovalov
Chief Executive Officer/+48883781020