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Brisbane 2032 and French Alps 2030 outline continued progress to IOC Executive Board

Release Date: 04 Dec 2024

4 December 2024 - Progress towards the Olympic Games Brisbane 2032 and the establishment of the Olympic Winter Games French Alps 2030 Organising Committee were discussed in today’s International Olympic Committee (IOC) Executive Board (EB) reports by the respective Coordination Commission Chairs.

The detailed updates highlighted the ongoing development and strategic planning for both events, underscoring the critical role of collaboration and strong partnerships in driving their evolution.

Brisbane 2032

The IOC’s Brisbane 2032 Coordination Commission Chair, Kirsty Coventry, reported that, under the leadership of President Andrew Liveris and CEO Cindy Hook, the Organising Committee team continues to make steady and positive progress as the planning process gains momentum, with over seven years until the Games.

This is supported by strong relationships with the IOC, Olympic stakeholders and local delivery partners, which are proving essential to the ongoing development of the venue masterplan. This process will be further informed by a 100-day review of venues, which was recently announced by the new Queensland Government.

Coventry noted that the Brisbane 2032 Organising Committee will work closely with the newly established Games Independent Infrastructure and Coordination Authority to finalise the Games venue masterplan. Their objective is to develop a strategy that delivers long-lasting benefits for local communities (which aligns with the recommendations of Olympic Agenda 2020 and the New Norm) and meets the commitments made by the Brisbane 2032 project.

The Coordination Commission Chair also highlighted that, over the past few months, the Brisbane 2032 team has gained valuable insights from its hands-on experience at the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024. Brisbane 2032’s senior leadership also played an active role in a Paris 2024 debrief session at the recent IOC LA28 Coordination Commission meeting. These learnings are helping shape Brisbane 2032’s strategic planning and operational approach, which will continue to advance in 2025.

French Alps 2030

The IOC’s French Alps 2030 Coordination Commission Chair, Pierre-Olivier Beckers-Vieujant, reported to the IOC Executive Board on the steps taken by French stakeholders over the past few months towards the organisation of the Olympic Winter Games French Alps 2030.

In his report, Beckers-Vieujant noted the submission of the Games Delivery Guarantee at the beginning of October, by the deadline established at the IOC Session in the summer. He praised the positive decision by local government stakeholders to create a similar structure to that which was successfully in place for the delivery of infrastructure used at the Paris 2024 Games – SOLIDEO.

The stakeholders’ commitment to take the steps to finalise the creation of the Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (OCOG) within the agreed timelines was noted. Beckers-Vieujant explained that close collaboration with the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) is ensuring steady progress on foundational work. This will facilitate a smooth transition once the Organising Committee becomes operational in the coming months.

The Olympic Winter Games French Alps 2030 are scheduled from 1 to 17 February, with the Paralympic Winter Games taking place shortly afterwards, between 1 and 10 March.

The Olympic Games Brisbane 2032 are scheduled to take place between 23 July and 8 August, with the Paralympic Games following between 24 August and 5 September.

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