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£100k Giveback Scheme: Energy Point set to spend over £100k in 2022 with UK Local Community

Release Date: 01 Dec 2021

Why We're Spending £100k in the Local Community

Energy Point (also known locally as Gas Fast Ltd) is launching a £100,000 investment scheme, to giveback to the local communities of Castleford and the surrounding areas. Our company have been in the Castleford area for almost 21 years and our leadership team grew up in the small Wakefield town.

Viva la Castleford, Yorkshire

Our company has been operating out of the Castleford local area now for over 20 years. In those twenty years, we’ve only been able to build our company to where it is today with the support and help of our local community. We’re one of the biggest employers in the town, employing over 100 people over the last 12 months and using local services and businesses.

But, there’s an issue, Castleford is one of the most deprived areas in the Wakefield District – over 20% of children in Castleford & Glasshoughton live in poverty; that’s 2 in every 10 children. Those statistics were from 2014, nearly 10 years ago – the situation, mixed in with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and rising energy prices, is to surely be worse than it was then.

That’s why Energy Point have decided to invest £100k back into the local community over the next 12 months of 2022.

“We’ve already put plans in place to give away £1,500 in presents and gifts to struggling families in the local area this Christmas.”
David Draper, CEO

Our plan to spend £100k in the local community of Castleford is completely achievable and as a company we’re determined to reach this goal. Energy Point have just recently announced that they are sponsoring two local sports teams and more on the list to come. We’ve also signed several contracts with local print, to ensure that small businesses can continue to pump money into the local community.

All of this is needed of course, to help revitalise our local area – supporting local businesses through an already stressful and struggling time.

On top of this £100k investment scheme we’ve launched, we’re also donating a sum of money each quarter from our revenue to employee-selected charities, because we recognise the importance in supporting communities outside of our own and even in different countries and to help prevent further global warming.


Whilst we’re still exploring the best ways to spend £100,000 in the local community, we have some idea to how we will invest this cash into the local area. As we’re not a charity, NGO or a government organisation, there’s only so much we can do. But we’re planning on spending our money on local businesses, sports clubs, youth groups and local schools in the area.

Energy Point is putting a strong focus on children, young people and families in general, as we believe these are the people that need our help the most in the Castleford area; we are also looking at ways to help the elderly community in Castleford – especially with their heating over the course of winter.

Let’s be clear though – in most cases, we won’t be handing businesses lump sums of cash – we’ll be buying goods or services from them, helping grow the community and local economy. We’ll be sponsoring local sports team to allow clubs to buy better equipment for their players and children they train.

Here's where most of the cash will go:

  • Local Business
  • Local Schools
  • Local Charities
  • Vulnerable People (Struggling families, elderly, etc.)
  • Donations to Local Causes, Projects, etc.
  • Local Events

We're not doing this for the wrong reasons...

No, we’re not doing this to become social media superstars or the saviours of Castleford – people have been getting along without Gas Fast / Energy Point coming to the rescue – it’s not about the likes or follows, it’s genuinely about helping people that have been so kind and supportive to our business over the last 20 years.

If we can inspire people to do the same by getting the message out about what we’re doing, then great! After all, if people do decide to use our services as a result of our community outreach work, then that’s an awesome thing and allows us to spend even more money in the local community of Castleford, Wakefield, Pontefract and the surrounding areas.

“The local community has done nothing but been there for us, over the last 20 years – the least we can do is giveback"
Tyrese Garvie, Energy Point

‘The rain doesn’t fall upon the Earth to sustain itself’, is a perfect example of what we see our work as in the local community – over the next month the Gas Fast and Energy Point team is going to thrive to give back to the community and help those in need – showing our friends, families and neighbours that we love them and care about them.

To learn more about what we’re doing with our £100k over the next 12 months, then please contact us.

About Energy Point

Energy Point is a renewable energy & energy efficiency consultancy organisation located near Leeds, UK. We specialise in publishing reports on climate change and the latest renewable energy technology. Our data is gathered from top organisations such as the White House, the UK Government, the UN and other institutions and research establishments.

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