With 4 billion viewers and 13 million spectators, preparation is key to hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games. But without one team, none of this would be possible.
Made up of more than 100,000 people, the ‘team behind the Games’ comes from all walks of life. Each group plays a different but vital role in getting Paris ready for the Games.
In numbers:
- 45,000 volunteers
- 26,000 media
- 22,000 security
- 11,000 torchbearers
- 7,500 drivers
The volunteer experience
The largest group within the team are the volunteers. They ensure everyone has a great experience, from welcoming the athletes and spectators to getting venues ready for competition. Put simply, the Games wouldn’t be the same without them.
Among the volunteers will be more than 200 colleagues from Worldwide Olympic and Paralympic Insurance Partner, Allianz, along with around 2,000 Allianzers supporting the athletes from the stands.
Thierry Jouve, Retail Development Inspector has been with Allianz for more than 20 years. He reflects on his experience at London 2012. “Allianz as a partner has enabled several employees to live this unique experience, which always brings back magical memories.”
“Every time it has been a real pleasure as the event organization is always top, especially because you can share this unique experience with other employees who come from different backgrounds.”
Allianz will also be represented among the 10,000 torchbearers carrying the flame on its journey across France, with colleagues from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Poland, the US and Brazil all taking part.
A long time coming
And as we saw in our piece with the Athlete Village chefs, preparation for the Games is an Olympic and Paralympic discipline in itself. The Paris 2024 Organizing Committee estimates that from 2018-2024, more than 180,000 people have been involved in bringing the Games to life, including:
- 11,000 in construction
- 60,000 in tourism
- 78,000 in the organization of Paris 2024.
Getting ready for the Olympic and Paralympic Games is a real team effort. And thanks to the preparation and dedication of people from a range of backgrounds, ages and skillsets, Paris 2024 is ready to welcome the world this summer.
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