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An advanced PR distribution platform, supported by PR professionals

Targeted news and content distribution, trusted by journalists as a reliable source for over 20 years is a trusted source of stories for journalists, global media, and specialist outlets around the world, backed by our own team of experienced PR professionals. Every day, thousands of journalists, broadcasters and digital influencers visit the site to view the latest verified news and content from brands and leading organisations of all sizes.

Earn media coverage

Next-generation digital distribution platform

Thousands of media outlets around the world choose to visit and subscribe to each day to source information and news. TheNewsMarket’s advanced interface puts your news in front of relevant media in your business vertical, not just emailed to over-full inboxes.

Earn media coverage

Advanced technology

Support all your content, not just the news

Journalists need more than just words. Our next-generation digital platform goes way beyond simply supporting press releases. offers the opportunity to build a bespoke content hub for your brand; hosting press releases, copyright-free images, videos, logos, quotes and live stream events.

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Unique features, professional service support

We do what the others don’t

Publishing news on the platform is easy, and our dedicated tech team is available for support 24/7. Distributing with means your stories will be hosted on our site alongside some of the world’s leading brands and distributed to our database of subscribers. Every story published on the platform is also posted across our growing social media channels.

Unique features, professional service support

Global reach

Extend your PR team

Take advantage of our Advanced Distribution service. Our team of PR professionals can build bespoke media lists to target relevant journalists in a chosen region. Let us be an extension to your own teams, with our in-house media relations, editorial support and content production services.

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Analyse your content

See which content resonates with audiences

See how your content is performing with our monthly reports. Receive access to in-depth analysis of story and asset performance that can inform your upcoming campaigns and content strategy.

Advanced PR distribution platform

Any business, any size

For every business, every size, every team

From PR agencies, in-house communication and marketing teams, through to global organisations and start-ups, businesses of all sizes trust us to ensure their stories and content reaches the right audience.

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